Friday, October 4, 2013

What is Clean Raising?

Hi- I'm Christina.  I've always been somewhat eco-conscious, but since having two kids I've come to realize the importance of having a safe & sustainable home.  I got pushed over the edge when I was pregnant with my 2nd born... already pregnancy induced paranoid, a friend dropped the research bomb on me... children are born today with over 200 chemicals in their blood! That did it - I threw out all my fragrances, home cleaners, bought organic, etc

It's a journey.  It's hard to clear everything at once an know what is truly safe.  Even some chemicals labeled "nontoxic" are in fact quite toxic!  This is the unregulated world we live in.

So, I'm going to share what I discover with you & hope it helps you on your journey to raising kids clean of toxins as much as is possible.  Along the way I will also share Norwex with you, my favorite way to clean, especially for a germaphobe who hates cleaning chemicals!

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