Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Microfiber for Infection Control

Europeans have been using microfiber cleaning tools for about 20 years, but this technology is only just now catching on in the U.S. where the use of consumables and toxic chemicals have been on the rise. 

 A study in "Infection Control Today" (the leading information source for infection preventionists) shows what microfiber that is 1 / 150th of a human hair in diameter can do against viruses & bacteria.

"In independent studies such as those published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by Dr. William Rutala, extremely fine (.37 micrometer diameter) microfiber was both laboratory and clinically tested and proven to remove up to 98 percent of bacteria and 93 percent of viruses from a surface using only water (no chemicals)."

Norwex microfiber is even more effective at 1/200th of a human hair in diameter.  All microfiber is not created to this standard.  In fact, to qualify as microfiber a strand of the fabric must be around 1/16th of a human hair in diameter.  For cleaning a split weave is necessary to grab and trap oils & grime most efficiently.  It's one of Norwex microfiber's advantages over regular cleaning cloths that push dirt around.  (see the graphic)

There's definitely more to a high quality microfiber than meets the eye.  In fact, the EPA, CDC, and other government agencies are encouraging the use of microfiber in cleaning, not just because it's less toxic, but because it's more effective.

To read up more on the study visit:

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Future of Cleaning

I really believe high quality Microfiber, already popular in Europe, is the future of cleaning.  I'm hoping the U.S. will break its addiction to artificial chemical smells and a unique concoction of pesticides for every cleaning job.  Microfiber & water have been proven time and again to pack a punch cleaning while sparing your health and pocketbook.

Here's a cool news story on the green cleaning technology, Norwex.  Unfortunately this consultant was not properly informed about what can be claimed about Norwex.   The results however line up with other research published in scientific studies.


To be clear the studies I've read contradict Fisher's sentiments. Silver does not help remove bacteria.  As she said initially, it is antimicrobial.  The studies have shown that it is the quality of the microfiber that determines effectiveness of removing bacteria.  Fisher also has not qualified her claims about whether bacteria and viruses were killed within the cloth, as far as we know, she did not test the cloth. Or if she did, she should have certainly shared the results.

However, the test was for effectiveness and the results speak to that for themselves.

What is Norwex?

Norwex is an international company whose mission is to improve quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.

Their state of the art microfiber is unlike anything else on the market. Learn more about Norwex Microfiber by clicking here.

If you like our products, consider placing an order or contact me with questions, or for exclusive customer-only specials. If you love our products, you can earn some impressive hostess gifts by hosting a Facebook party or just inviting a few friends over for a demonstration of how easy and effective it is to clean with Norwex.

If you have to own it all or are looking for a source of income, consider becoming a consultant. My job is FUN and FLEXIBLE and I love to welcome people to my growing team. I am actively seeking sales consultants in all 50 US States. Contact me today to learn how to join this supportive, encouraging and fast growing company with a mission that will also benefit your friends, family, and the earth!

Shop our online catalog and contact me via my Norwex website: http://christinadronen.norwex.biz 

Poison Candy

Just heard a story about a 1 year old who found one that had dropped on the floor & bit into it. She is in the ICU. Of all the chemicals used in cleaning, pods are arguably the most dangerous to small children, because they look like candy, small, wrapped, brightly colored.

Over 6,000 children under 5 years old have ingested these laundry pods in the last year, leading to 3,000 emergency room visits.
If you use, them, store them securely out of reach and locked up.  Treat it just like you would a poison candy.

Keep the number for poison control handy - ideally posted somewhere in your home and pre-programmed into your cell phone.  1-800-222-1222


What is Clean Raising?

Hi- I'm Christina.  I've always been somewhat eco-conscious, but since having two kids I've come to realize the importance of having a safe & sustainable home.  I got pushed over the edge when I was pregnant with my 2nd born... already pregnancy induced paranoid, a friend dropped the research bomb on me... children are born today with over 200 chemicals in their blood! That did it - I threw out all my fragrances, home cleaners, bought organic, etc

It's a journey.  It's hard to clear everything at once an know what is truly safe.  Even some chemicals labeled "nontoxic" are in fact quite toxic!  This is the unregulated world we live in.

So, I'm going to share what I discover with you & hope it helps you on your journey to raising kids clean of toxins as much as is possible.  Along the way I will also share Norwex with you, my favorite way to clean, especially for a germaphobe who hates cleaning chemicals!