Friday, November 8, 2013

Testimonial - Norwex Body Cloths

My friend made the switch - ditching years of routine chemicals for water & microfiber.  I'm super impressed with the results.  Here's her experience - from her own words.
Before I began using Norwex body cloths as my sole facial care product, I was using the Proactiv line of facial products every morning, along with an organic facial cleanser from Whole Foods to take my eye makeup off and clean my face at night.  I received the body cloths in a 3-pack as a gift, and I had decided that I would give them a try for 2-weeks, and drop the products I had been using every day for the last 5 years.  I figured it was worth it to try to see if I could actually just use the silver in the cloths as a cleanser, and no longer have to use chemicals on my face. 
It took me a while to change my routine and just use the body cloths, because I was set in my routine and just the smallest switch like that felt difficult when I was in a rush on my way out the door.  That was silly because when I finally did begin my personal test of the body cloths, the cloths ended up being much easier and faster than what I was already doing.  
Now it’s been 2 months and I have been so impressed that I’m continuing to use the Norwex body cloths to clean my face instead of Proactiv.  I’ve completely switched over!   I’m 32 years old, and one thing I noticed is that the amount of breakouts I had were completely unchanged, even though I was no longer using acne medication.  One of my theories on that is that I may have been breaking out more when I was 27, than I do now, so that I really didn’t need to be medicating any, but had no idea that the medication wasn’t doing anything for me.  Another theory is that keeping your face clean and exfoliated has just as much effect on someone who needs mild acne control as medications.
Also, a little back story – in the last 5 years I’ve noticed my eye lids becoming dryer and dryer.  I figured this had to do with aging.  The last couple years it was getting so bad that after I washed my face my eyelids would get so wrinkly and dry that it would pull the skin in a strange way, and I couldn’t open my eyes all the way.  The only fix I found for this was to put Vaseline on my eyes, so I had to put Vaseline on after every time I washed my face.  Now skip to today – after about a week of only washing my face with body cloths, my eye lids were no longer dry!  The problem completely went away.  I had no idea that the facial products I was using were causing this problem, because it happened so gradually over a long period of time.
The body cloths are great at exfoliating, so I don’t miss the Proactiv cleanser at all (which was an exfoliator).  It is an easy substitute.  At first, I had a couple episodes where I scrubbed my face too much. That left my skin dried out and scaly, even though it felt really clean.  I have sensitive skin, and I found that for me, 3-5 swipes over each area of the face was the max amount I could scrub – any more would cause problems. 
Also, my eyes did not like being scrubbed when I tried to take off eye makeup – they would get sore.  At first I tried rubbing the eye makeup with some water and my fingers first, and then wiping it off with the cloth.  That worked pretty well, but still would leave some eyeliner.  So finally I would get a dab of Vaseline on my fingers and rub that into my mascara and eyeliner, smearing the makeup all around my eye with that until it was diluted into a thin layer.  Then I would wipe that off with the body cloth and with one or two wipes it all disappeared.  You probably could do this with olive oil or coconut oil as well.  One thing that is neat about that is that the cloth completely wiped away the greasiness from the Vaseline.  After a couple wipes it was 100% gone.  And the whole thing just take 30-60 seconds.
One last problem that was solved was with my ears.  For a long time now I’ve been scrubbing the inside of my ears on the shower with a body puff lathered in body wash.  My ears felt really clean for the day, but by the next day they would get really itchy.  If I scratched them they would get irritated and sore.  If I didn’t wash them they would still feel itchy, and also now unclean, so I felt like I was stuck in a vicious cycle.  I started putting an organic ear oil in my ears to help with the problem.  Now I just wash my ear with the Norwex cloth (not to many swipes to avoid irritation) and the itchiness is gone and it feels clean – win-win!
Over all, being able to just wet the cloth, wipe my face and go has been a great time saver.  I do put on a light moisturizer with a 15 spf in it when I leave in the morning, but besides that I do nothing else.

Switching over the body cloths has surprised me by solving a lot of problems.  My face always feels really clean, fresh, and dewy.  And the best part is that I am not putting chemicals on my skin anymore – not to mention the cost savings.  I recommend doing a 2-4 week trial like I did, and seeing how much you really needed your own facial products.  You might find that, like me, you didn’t need them at all.  If breakouts are still a problem after switching over, I think the cloths would combine really well with a gentle salicylic acid medication.

For more information about the body cloths, visit here:,754,198.aspx

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