Friday, February 21, 2014

All Microfiber Not Created Equal

I've talked about using microfiber for cleaning, but not all microfiber is created equal. Microfiber cloths can look the same upon first glance, but there’s details you can see and the most important ones you can’t.. that can make all the difference in the world!

Most microfiber combines two fibers, Polyester and Polymide (basically Nylon). These fibers are usually “split” through a specialized heating process that creates edges and capillaries within each fiber that make it superior for cleaning.

So what is quality Microfiber and how can you tell? 

First – here’s what you can’t see:

Split fiber. Unsplit microfiber is terrible at absorption which makes it near useless for cleaning.  Machines that produce the raw Microfiber thread can be purchased for under $100,000. The machines that do the splitting and processing of the thread into quality Microfiber cost over $1,000,000.  This is why there can be a dramatic difference in price between microfiber cloths.

Size matters.  To be classified as microfiber a fiber only needs to be 1/6 the diameter of a human hair. Tests done to show % removal of bacteria and viruses is dependent upon the size of individual fibers.   Smaller is better.  Think of how clean your floor would be using a rake versus a broom.  The size of the fibers needs to fit the size of the mess being cleaned.  At 1/200th the diameter of a human hair, Norwex microfiber is smaller than the cloth fibers used in the study below which was able to remove 98% of bacteria and 93% of viruses from a surface.

Density.  For high quality microfiber, higher density (fibers per square inch) translates into greater cleaning power and absorption. The Norwex enviro cloth has 8.5 million feet of fiber in every cloth!

What you can see:
1. Look for finished edges on a microfiber cloth better cloths are finished well.  
2. Pull the cloth, a cheap microfiber cloth will stretch, a sturdy high quality cloth will barely budge. 
3. Feel the cloth, the split weave microfiber will catch on dry skin.  High quality will also be thicker.
4. Hold the cloth up to a window or light. Denser microfiber will block out significantly more light.
5. Try it! See how much water the cloth can soak up.  Clean with another cloth side by side.. see how the surface looks after and how the cloths look.

Personally, I prefer Norwex microfiber. Here's what makes their microfiber so special.

Silver. Norwex has a unique patented process in which it has incorporated a silver agent that can't be washed out and when used with water can destroy viruses, bacteria, mold, and mildew.  This gives Norwex the unique advantage of having a cloth that can be used over and over without laundering and actually purifies itself within 24 hours.

For more about Silver:

Warranty. Norwex microfiber comes with a 2 year warranty. This means the company answers for the quality they provide. I personally have several friends who are using Norwex cloths 10 years after having purchased them.  
Some independent news reports on Norwex: - keep in mind Norwex was used improperly (should’ve been thoroughly rung out instead of “soaked”)

References (incomplete):

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Norwex En Español

La misión de Norwex es mejorar la calidad de vida reduciendo de manera radical el uso de químicos en el cuidado personal y la limpieza.

Norwex ha creado productos de limpieza de microfibra.  Nuestra microfibra es la única que tiene plata integrada en tela de microfibra por sus propiedades antimicrobianas (la plata tiene la capacidad de destruir o inhibir el crecimiento de microorganismos causantes de enfermedades).  La plata dentro del paño lo purifica así que está listo para volver a utilizarse dentro de 24 horas.  Se aconseja lavar a las telas una vez por semana.

Además de vitar los productos químicos tóxicos que producen efectos graves para la salud o el medio ambiente, la limpieza con la microfibra Norwex y agua permite:
- Ahorrar tiempo - el sistema de limpieza Norwex reduce el tiempo de limpieza por un 75% o más.
- Ahorrar dinero – El gasto promedio de productos de limpieza por hogar es $ 600 - $ 800 al año.  Mediante el uso de productos de Norwex usted puede tener ahorros de hasta un 90%!

A diferencia de paños de algodón propagan la suciedad, grasa y otras partículas, la microfibra Norwex , cuando utiliza mojada, levanta estas partículas en el paño y deja la superficie limpia.

Los tipos de paños y como utilizar:

Enviro Cloth
Cómo utilizar: moje el paño con agua y luego escurra bien. Doblar en cautro, coloque su mano entera en el paño y limpie con movimientos uniformes. Para una limpieza más intensa, use sólo unos cuantos dedos en un trozo de tela desplegada.
El enviro cloth es bueno para quitar la suciedad, grasa, TODO, de todas las superficies como encimeras, granito, acero inoxidable, ventanas, y baños.

Window Polishing Cloth (Paño de la ventana)
Utilicelo húmedo o seco (sobre una superficie húmeda) para conseguir ventanas limpias sin manchas ni pelusas, también funciona para espejos, acero inoxidable, todo lo que necesita un especto pulido sin rayas.

Dusting Mitt (Guante por limpiar el polvo) 
Utilice seco para limpiar superficies polvorientas. La estática en la guante atrapará todo el polvo. Úselo ligeramente humedecido para remover el polvo y sacar los huellas digitales de un piano. Úselo mojado en tela metálicde las pantallas de las ventanas.

Bathroom Scrub Mitt (Guante para limpiar al baño)
Use la parte áspera para eliminar residuos de jabón, pasta de dientes, y mas sin raspar las superficies. Utilice el lado suave del guante para absorber agua y pulir las superficies.  No necesita jabones o aerosoles, sólo agua.

Mop System (El sistema del trapeador) 
Use la almohadilla amarilla para barrer los pisos en un patrón de 8. Limpie la almohadilla con la escobilla de goma. Utilice la almohadilla azul mojada y escurrida completamente con agua para limpiar. Funciona como el enviro para quitar todo lo de la superficie, tan solo utilizando agua, sin productos químicos tóxicos.

Instrucciones para el cuidado de la microfibra.

Para los paños y almohadillas ligeramente sucios, lavar con un poco de jabón de lavaplatos, bajo agua caliente corriente y utiliza otra vez antes de lavar en la lavadora. 

Para lavar en la lavadora
• Lavar los paños de microfibra con otra ropa libre de pelusa (no toallas)
• Utilice únicamente Norwex detergente o un detergente ecológico sin rellenos o blanqueador.
• Nunca use blanqueador, suavizante o hojas para la secadora porque estos productos destruyen o reducen la capacidad de la tela para limpiar con eficiencia.

La limpieza profunda
Aproximadamente cada 6-10 semanas se recomienda hacer una limpieza profunda. Para limpiar profundamente coloque los paños en una cubeta con 2 cucharadas de detergente luego verter agua hirviendo o casi hirviendo en un balde y remojar durante 10 minutos o varias horas. Asegúrese agitar un poco. Enjuague con agua hasta que el agua salga limpia.

English Translation:

Norwex’s mission is to improve quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in cleaning and personal products.
Norwex has created microfiber cleaning products.  Ours is the only microfiber that has silver in the cloth for it’s antimicrobial properties. The silver in the cloth purifies the cloth so that it is ready to use again within 24 hours.  It’s recommended to wash the cloths once a week.
Different than cotton cloths which spread dirt, grease, and grime, Norwex Microfiber when used wet lifts the particles into the cloth  and away from the surface.

The types of cloths & how to use them:
Enviro Cloth
How to use:  Wet the cloth with water then wring out thoroughly.  Fold into fourths, place your whole hand on the cloth and wipe with even strokes.   For more intense cleaning, use just a few fingers on an unfolded section of cloth. 

The enviro is good for removing dirt, grease, grime, everything from surfaces like countertops, granite, stainless steel, windows, bathrooms. 

The window cloth.  Use damp or dry (on a wet surface) to get clear, lint free, streak free windows, mirrors, stainless steel, anything that needs a polished streak free look.

Dusting mitt – use dry to lightly wipe dusty surfaces.  The static in the mitt will trap dust.  Use slightly damp on a piano to dust & remove finger prints.  Use wet on screens to get into the holes.
Bathroom scrub mitt – use the scratchy surface will remove soap scum, toothpaste, etc.  It will not leave scratches on a surface.  Use the soft side of the mitt to soak up water and polish surfaces.  No soaps or sprays needed, just water.

The Mop – use the yellow pad to dry mop the floors in a figure 8 pattern.  Clean the dry mop with the rubber brush.  Use the blue pad wet and thoroughly wrung out with water to mop.  It works like the enviro to remove everything from the surface, rather than spreading on chemicals.
Microfiber care instructions.
Slightly dirty cloths and mops be washed, with a little Norwex Dishwashing Liquid, under
warm running water and used again before laundering.  

When laundering:
• Launder microfiber cloths with other lint-free laundry (no towels)
• Only use Norwex detergent or an environmentally friendly detergent without fillers and bleach.
• Never use bleach, fabric softener, or dryer sheets as these products destroy or reduce the cloth’s ability to clean effectively.

About every 6-10 weeks it’s recommended to do a deep clean.  Deep clean by placing the cloths in a bucket with 2 tablespoons of detergent then pour boiling or almost boiling water into the bucket and let soak for 10 minutes to several hours. Make sure to stir the cloths a little.  Rinse until the water runs clear.